Jesus told about a sower who planted a seed that yielded a hundred-fold harvest. The SEED in His story is the Word of GOd. Living and powerful. Capable of producing an astounding harvest in your life.
SEED is a unique Bible study experience for those who long to dive deeply into the Scriptures. Join us as we learn six distinct spiritual principles. As God's spirit shines the searchlight of conviction, comfort, and challenge on the reality of your circumstances, you will hear His voice in an intimate and pracitical way. You'll walk away from this study with a revitalized relationship with the Lord and renewed interest for His Word.
Join us each Wednesday as we will update the study for the week. You will be joining a group of women meeting in at Divine Shepherd in Omaha, NE. We look forward to hearing what you have to share on these studies.
So, you may be asking how you participate on online study?
Similar to a church small group, we'll ask questions about the current lesson. Please post a comment and answer or ask another question. We'll also accept any prayer requests and support you in your study. We learn from one another, so every question and comment is helpful. Please participate in the discussions.
To start us off, let's introduce ourselves.
Please tell us your name, where you are from and what you would like to take away from this summer Bible study?
I look forward to "meeting" you
Blessings on your journey with us this summer
My name is Kami
I live in Omaha, NE
I hope to learn about what God wants to Harvest in my life through the stories and scripture in this study. I hope to meet some new women both in class and online.
My name is Joanie.
I live in Iowa. I am trying to rekindle my faith walk. I hope to refocus my life towards reading and studying God's word...trying to find the stillness and presence of God in our hectic world.
Hi Joanie
Welcome to the study! I totally understand trying to remain in the presence of God in our hectic world. We are pulled so many directions from day to day. I am so glad you have joined us and I pray that this will be a blessing to you.
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